Thursday, December 30, 2010
Good Bye 2010
Do for others - check (but room for improvement)
Cook more exciting things - check (but room for improvement)
Bible study - check (but room for improvement)
Prayer time -check (but room for improvement)
Loose 10 pounds - check (but can lose more)
Cemetery hop - check
Genealogy - can do much more
Learn camera - NO
Redo the kitchen - check - very successful
Rick's building - NO
Get rid of farm house - No
Trip with boys - Yes
Trip with Rick - Yes
Trip with Girls - Yes
I will have to ponder for several days to decide what my goals will be for 2011.
Have a very safe New Year's Eve.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A Few Pictures of the Holidays
Monday, December 27, 2010
It's Over and No Depression
Wednesday night the boys arrived with an old-school Nintendo system with the game they never could beat as young children. When Rick and I got home it was just like the sounds from 20 years ago. Same dialog, same actions, same emotions; just bigger bodies. For the next four days, it was great. The food, the games, the gifts, the grandchildren and the fellowship were all wonderful. I did control my temper this year during the games. Last year I got so upset that I threw my game pieces after being beat numerous times. This year I was still beat the majority of the games, but I did not let it bother me. So what, if I can't roll a "FARKLE." Life will go on.
Rick won the creative wrapping again for the second year in a row. This year I did get THIRD place. This is my first year to even get any votes. Each year the competition gets tougher. I did a slide show of some pictures from the last 10 Christmases. Diana and I took a great deal of ridicule of our lovely Christmas sweaters from the past. So Jenna, Di, and I did a little "dress up" of three classic sweaters in my closet. The pictures are lovely.
Yesterday after lunch I realized it was over, and time to get it all down. Hours later it did get finished. Bennie Scoggins was smiling. I missed her standard by 24 hours, which is still good for me. Although Christmas is tucked away, I have a camera disk with pictures and great memories of Christmas 2010.
My Christmas wishes were all fulfilled; I hope yours were, too.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Christmas Wish #5
It's not hard to tell where this is going. Do we really expect Jesus to come back? Are we ready? And what would we have done differently this Christmas if we new it was our last? Can you imagine celebrating Jesus' birthday with HIM! WOW! Chad, your procrastination in shopping made me do some soul searching.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Wish #4
My wish for you is that you try to take the stress out of Christmas and take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.I know that my God does not want His son's birthday to be a PAIN. This was God's greatest gift to us, and like everything else, we humans have messed it up. So whatever it takes - focus on God's perfect gift.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Wish #3
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Wish #2
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My Christmas Wishes #1
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Little Bit of Heaven
Friday, December 10, 2010
WOW - It worked
I said all this to say that I did shopping different this year than ever before. I went out one day and did the majority of it. I am not going to say it was any better, but I will say it worked. I am far from a supermom, nor do I ever feel unappreciated. I know that 80% of the things I do during the Christmas season is for ME. I love the decorations, lights, hustle and bustle. I also am one of the fortunate ones to have help with the decorations - thanks, boys. Also, thanks to you, Rick, when it comes time to do the cooking. I know that I will be able to count on you to help out there. No "strikes" for me - just a different way to shop.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Let's Go ...Shopping
In fact, I will even post a picture tonight of the presents under the trees wrapped and not in the shopping bags. This will keep me accountable today. Let's go....Shopping.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
This is the first time I can remember in 31 years that there has not been a dog on the hill.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
It's All about Him - Part 2
One year and one week later we are handing over the keys to a brand new house built by God's people. God says that he gives different talents to others, and we are all different parts of the body to be one. This house is God's way of showing this. Many people and businesses donated materials, time, food, money, and talents for this to come to fruition. I am very careful about what I write, because I do not want us to take any of the credit. It is truly "All about Him". God just allowed us to do His work for Him for us to receive the blessings.
It's All About Him
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanks be to God
- The women's trip to Savannah which included great architecture, great history, great fall foliage, and great food. It was a fun trip. I did win one major "ditzy" mark when I could not find the car after eating at Paula Deen's restaurant.
- Decorating the house for Christmas started soon as I walked into the house. Tonight it is 90 percent finished. The boys got the lights on and lit the very first time. Never has this happened.
- There was never a dull moment with the boys around for four days. Rick and I came home Friday to find this coyote hanging in our back yard. (Greg and Chad, thanks for all your work on the Christmas and on the retaining wall. You saved our backs from some major pain.)
- Thanksgiving with my family and the Fergusons. I love the time when the cousins are together. The kids still crack me up.
- Food - Savannah food, Thanksgiving food, Greg's birthday meal at the Angry Catfish, Saturday night's meal with Rick after all the hoopla was over.
- This afternoon "Grandparents' time" with Cade, Cali, and Keylyn.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I am a (sick) Princess
I am the Princess!
This post was guest authored by Princess, my 14 year old lab.
Monday, November 15, 2010
One Mean "Motor-Scooter"
Monday, November 8, 2010
Another Fun-filled Week
- Rick and I got to go see the game that the Rangers lost in the World Series on Monday. I have to admit my theory was wrong; I just knew the Rangers would win. My thought was that it was a money thing and the series would go at least one more game. Especially so the SF Giants could win at home.
- We went to the thank you rally for the the Rangers on Wednesday night with two of his daughters and two grandsons. I love what Nolan Ryan has done with Rangers baseball. This truly put the "period" on the finale of a great baseball season.
- We finished the week off with our Redneck weekend. This is the first time that Di and I had all four of our kids there. Each race weekend is totally different and memorable. This one was no disappointment. The races were good - even though there were no bad wrecks. We celebrated Chad's birthday. Food was delicious. Karaoke was entertaining. Fun was had by all.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Soldiers Came
The service was a perfect tribute to Lindsey and Julia. Nelda had the Eulagy memorized. Marlon's solo and "Taps" by the buglar brought tears to my eyes. WOW! is all that could be said about the soldiers, the 21 gun salute, and the three cannon shots. Then when we thought we had experienced it all, the widows performed the "Black Rose ceremony".
It was a perfect the day. We met more Scoggin/Scogginses and visited with the ones we were already familiar with. I did appreciated that Chad and Tara were with me to experience this day in history (I did NOT make him come). The lady from the funeral home summed the event up best by saying that this was by far the neatest thing that she had ever witnessed at a memorial service.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Crazy and Getting Crazier by the Day
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The New England States - again
Rick and I just got back from his sprinkler show in Providence, Rhode Island. I had another great experience. Highlights for me from the trip are as follows:
We got to stay at a nice hotel, which was next door to a three-story mall. The time I spend in this mall while Rick was in his show is more time than I have spent in a mall in the last five years total. I am no longer a shopper. The amazing fact is I did NOT buy anything but lunch and a coke either day.
The touristy thing that Rick and I probably enjoyed the most was the mansions at Newport. We did tour four of them. All were spectacular in their own way. The other item we toured with the show was Gillette stadium where the New England Patriots play ball.
The food was delicious. The seafood and cheesecake were to die far. I even splurged on a chocolate turtle walnut cluster blizzard just for the girls back at home.
We were a little early for "leaf peeping," but that did not stop us from driving. On Saturday, Rick wanted to travel to all the New England states so that he could get stars on these states. We have on our bucket list to visit each of the the 50 states. We did hit Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine all in one day.
Sunday was our Boston day. We did a Freedom Trail walking tour, the USS Constitution tour, and a Hop-A-Bus tour of the city. I just wish that I could remember a fraction of the facts that I have heard from my travels.
Rick did not enjoy the trip nearly as much as I did. There were way too many people, too much traffic, and Sunday in Boston was way too cold for him. He can relate to Dorothy with the thought that "there is no place like home."
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Oh, What a Wonderful Day - Chapter 2
Friday, September 10, 2010
Bennie Scoggins
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Bird Season = Rain, Rain, and more RAIN
Monday, September 6, 2010
Another Great Holiday - Scoggins Style
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Habits worth Having
- Habit of prayer.
- Habit of study.
- Habit of giving (and helping).
- Habit of fellowship.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
12 + 3 (+2) + 33 = a lot of school
In 32 years I have taught students - homemaking, English, reading, special ed. math, middle school technology, ESL, speech, careers, LMS, and hobbies. I have done senior trips, proms, Loy Lake, FHA conventions, tech conventions, GT programs, school newspapers, cookbooks, banquets, bus duty, lunch duty, study hall, carnivals, concession stands and yearbooks. I cannot even guess how many wonderful students that I have come in contact with. What great memories.
I have seen many changes in education. In testing we have gone from LBAS, TABS, TEAMS, TAAS, to TAKS with the STAAR test on the horizon. I typed my first tests on typewriters with correct-o-type tape and made copies on the mimeograph machines with purple ink. I used a real chalk board with chalk and erasers that had to be dusted outside on the sidewalk.
It has been a great ride, and I am excited to see what this new school year has in store. I still love my job and extremely proud to be an educator in Gunter ISD.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
American Idol 9 - The finale
When the tour was announced at the end of the season, Rick said that we should go. So Monday night was our reunion with our American Idol friends that came into our lives and living room this spring. It was a great reunion to see how much each of them have improved and what kind of songs they would choose when there was no theme to follow for the show. It was a great concert with a wide variety of music. The kids did not disappoint us. I think Simon would even have been impressed.
The three things that I left with from this finale of American Idol 9 are:
- The winners were truly grateful to the audience for making it possible for them to be a winner because of their texting votes in. Yes, I did vote/text Rick and my favorites after the shows.
- The kids were genuinely humble about getting to do what they love to do.
- They repeatedly told the younger audience to follow your dreams. That they are proof that dreams do come true.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
I read an editoral in the newspaper about Will Rogers thoughts on growing older. These were several that I can relate to:
- The older we get, fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.
- One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.
- Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Treasure is Found
My Great-Great Grandfather |
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Summer Update
Before we started |
Friday, July 9, 2010
Hot and Spicy - My favorite
Friday, June 25, 2010
Let the Fireworks Begin
This is either the sixth or seventh year for Greg and Randy to have a firework stand. We have watched this little stand that two college boys start, so that they could blow up fireworks, evolve to a much larger business. They now have two stands, and they get to put on two city firework shows.
For me I get to be with family and friends. Not only do we get to have family time, I get to cook for people who actually enjoy eating. This is a treat for me. By 9:30 this morning, I had already got to spend time with Greg, Justin and his kids, and Jenna. After a lunch with Jenna and Di, I made my first dessert for the season. I chose a peanut butter cream pie. The recipe for this is on the Pass Your Plate blog.
Davis and Miller Fireworks.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Oreos and Milk - In Memory of a Great Lady
We ate oreos and milk in memory of her. On Fridays when the kids were little, we would go to her house for oreo cookies and milk in celebration of surviving another school week or in celebration of the weekend. However you want to look at the celebration, it was a great tradition that was shared by a grandmother, her daughters, and grandchildren. This was another way to instill in our children that the love of a family is one of life's greatest blessings.
So mom, this snack was for you. We love you.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It is Finished - Almost
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Miles to go Before We Sleep
This seemed to be the theme for our recent girls' trip. We covered 1300 miles in 11 days/10 nights being tourists in the New England states. I got stars on my US map for 6 new states to visit - Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, and Rhode Island. We work at being tourists. Our goal is to see how much we can see and do in 18 hour days. Without boring you with too many details or pictures, I will give you a quick overview of the highlights.
- Boston - The Freedom Trail and lots of history
- Cape Ann and Salem Witches
- Maine - an old-fashioned Dairy Queen with the best ice cream blizzard
- New Hampshire - mountains and black flies that bite
- Vermont - The Von Trapp family with the hills filled with the "Sound of Music"
- a cog ride to the top of the mountain, Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory
- Connecticut - one of the United States largest casinos
- Newport - the Breakers, the Vanderbilt's mansion
- Providence, Rhode Island - history
- Hyannis Port and Nantucket - windmills and light houses
- Cape Cod - Provincetown
- Plymouth Rock - history
I assure you of three things:
- the trip was well-documented with many pictures.
- great food was eaten.
- the Golden Girls have nothing on us.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Our Legacy Continues...Happy Mother's Day
I took off work Friday to meet a distant cousin and her husband, Nelda and Benny, that I had never met except through email and the internet. Diana and I met them at the Tioga cemetery that morning, and then the journey began. By 5:00 PM we had visited Tioga, Collinsville, Ethel, Tioga, Hall, and West Hill Cemetery. We had visited atleast 100 graves of the Scoggins branch and I visited some of the other branches if they were in our path. They took 97 pictures; and I took many more than that. My thighs were sore from getting on my knees to get eye-level to take each picture.
We have had our great, great grandfather's marker made and set. Through Nelda's extensive research, she had proof of his war records so she did the paperwork to get him a war marker. She thought she was going to see it in a storage building; but thanks to Flesher Funeral home, they set it Thursday afternoon when they found that she was coming to Grayson county on Friday. She was "almost" speechless when she saw it at the cemetery. We had kept this as a surprise. For some reason he did not have a marker, and his wife did so this had bothered some family members. This fall we are going to have a military memorial service for this ancestor with all the family invited.
Nelda is a walking encyclopedia of Scoggin(s) history. She told many stories all day long of our family's past. As I reflected back on the day Friday night, I realized several things just kept surfacing all day long. One - we have been die-hard Baptists for many generations with strong Christian principles. She was thrilled to death, when she found out we were Baptist.
Two - the men were willing to fight for their country. I have some great war stories for later posts.
Three - the women were hard workers, and usually the mother of many children. Education was important.
With each step of this genealogy project, I am just amazed with the ability of some people to do such extensive research. Many, many thanks to Nelda for all the information that I gained on this day to pass on (or bore) my boys with.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Somewhere over the rainbow!
This is the view I had of the rainbow Monday night. During the rain, Rick and I went to the Sonic to pick up my gift that I had won in their 6 year anniversary celebration. I won a bicycle - not just any bicycle, but a very special bicycle. At 52 years old, this is the FIRST bicycle I have ever owned. Growing up on the farm, Diana and I had dolls and play kitchens to amuse us. We never owned our own bicycles. I do remember borrowing one or two on occasion, but we never had our own.
This is a mountain bike with shocks and springs. It also came with a helmet. "So I guess dreams do come true" even late in life. Or as I really think about it and my coordination, the more accurate quote is "thanks for unanswered prayers". A bicycle in my youth might have been a catastrophe.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Take me out to the ballgame(s)
By marrying Rick, I inherited FOUR little ballplayers. Three of them had tournaments this weekend. They played a total of 15 games, which all three played for the championships. This weekend they won two second places and one championship. I have to admit Rick and I are not Nanna and Jack. We do not make every game, nor do we get there atleast 30 minutes before the game starts. Yesterday, we did see a segment of 5 different games in two towns over a period of time.
Cali got bored with so much baseball. She found a sand pile to destroy during Cade's game.
Saturday we took the day off from grandkids ballgames and went to a ladies' football game. A lady in Rick's Houston office plays on a football team. When they come to the Fort Worth/ Dallas area, we try to make her games. This is entertaining to see women play REAL football. This is not lingerie football.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Birthday - Earth Day
In 1963, former Senator Gaylord Nelson began to worry about our planet. Senator Nelson knew that our world was getting dirty and that many of our plants and animals were dying.
Then, in 1969, Senator Nelson had another idea. He decided to have a special day to teach everyone about the things that needed changing in our environment. He wrote letters to all of the colleges and put a special article inScholastic Magazine to tell them about the special day he had planned.
On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was held. People all over the country made promises to help the environment. Everyone got involved and since then, Earth Day has spread all over the planet. People all over the world know that there are problems we need to work on and this is our special day to look at the planet and see what needs changing. Isn't it great?
- The Environmental Protection Agency
- The Clean Air Act of 1970
- The Occupational Safety and Health Act
- Clean Water Act of 1972
- Safe Drinking Water Act
- The Endangered Species Act of 1973
- Toxic Substances Control Act
- The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- Use compact flourescent light bulb.
- Use fewer plastic bags at Walmart. Do not put the gallon jugs, the potatoes, the paper goods and other large things in plastic bags. If I really wanted to, I could use reusable bags.
- The running faucet -turn water off while brushing teeth or shaving.
- Don't idle your car for more than one minute.
- Wash full loads of clothes.
- Limit Styrofoam. It is not biodegradable. Use paper plates instead of Styrofoam plates.
- Use rags or towels for cleaning, instead of paper towels.
- Recycle, recycle, and recycle some more.
- Do not litter- our rule was that if the birds/animals would eat it, then it could be thrown out.
- Plant a tree.
- Fight the concrete plant being proposed in our home town.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dancing in the Rain
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
DC and the "Inferior Decorators"

Make your own animation
WE are ready to finish the kitchen; the weather is calling us to be outside. Before I left town after much deliberation I did make a choice and design on my backsplashes. The night before I left I had it all laid out for Rick. He did this while I was in DC; and did a fabulous job. Then came the flooring. Between the backsplash and the flooring, he labeled us the "inferior decorators" because it takes me (us) so long to make any decision. Each choice takes several trips to all the stores in Sherman and several in Dallas to see all the samples/choices and then several trips to get the supplies.
Up to this point the flooring has been the hardest on the bodies. The old tile was a pain to chip up and get out. The floor was unlevel with bits of leftover mortor that had to be chipped up. Rick finished laying the tile Sunday night after I went back to Home Depot to get one more tile. We were one tile short. The amazing fact is that I found one tile broken in the trash pile when I was cleaning up. So we actually had purchased the correct number of tiles.
The tile selection was a saga in itself. We chose travertine, which I knew was irregular in appearance, so I took extra ones home with me. I originally took 120 - 30 cases of 18 X 18 squares home with me. I laid them all over the yard choosing the ones that I liked. I kept 40 and took 80 back. The next trip, they let me choose the ones I liked in the store so that I did not have to take them home and back again. Rick asked the lady if this was a normal process. She was very nice and polite, but said NO. Most people who chose travertine chooses it for the natural look. I like the natural look - I just wanted to choose the naturalism of it.
We are now to the grouting stage. This is smushing grout into a 1/16 inch space. If anyone reading this, has a suggestion on an easy way to do this let me know. We have a busy week with ballgames, town meetings, and our "redneck" weekend. So the kitchen will be put on hold for a week.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Phase 2 Continued and Random Highlights of Spring Break 2010
Since my last post several things have taken place.
- New lower cabinets installed.
- Countertop installed.
- Cooktop, range, microwave installed.
- Lights installed in bottom cabinets. Rick fixed them where they will come on when the door is opened.
- Kitchen items returning to the kitchen.
The big decision for now is what to do with the blacksplashes. This weekend we made the weekly trips to the stores to make a decision on what to do with this areas. We did bring several different sizes and kinds of tiles home to create a pattern that we can live with. The kitchen is really coming together nicely. I really think that we are ahead of schedule. We still do not have a sink or water in the kitchen, but life is good.
Spring Break Highlights.
- A trip to Fredricksberg which included great food, browsing stores, a music show, a historic museum, and a flea market.
- A tour of LBJ's house and a working farm.
- An overnight trip to Shreveport.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Phase 2

- electrical wire for the oven and tv wire run
- bottom cabinets, stove and sink torn out
- new oven installed
- bottom cabinets stained and set in the kitchen (not mounted, yet)
- countertops chosen

Monday, March 1, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
December 24, 2005 - February 18, 2010
I read a quote I had written in my Bible this morning that I would like to start this blog off with: “ What matters most is how we live, love and spend our dash!” Missy met her demise yesterday. As I read this, I thought about her dash. I was given her on Christmas Eve 2005 by Greg and Chad. I had no idea what I was going to do with this little fur ball. We were leaving in two days on a ski trip to Taos, so this started our life together. Through the four years we truly became best friends. Never could I imagine how much fun and love a little dog could be. She loved me so unconditionally. Rick always said that she ruled me, and she did. She trained me really well. When she barked, I obeyed.
I pondered on some of Missy’s favorites that would be included in her dash:
· Going riding – anywhere – the farm, the bank, the lake, the Dollar store, etc.
· Her morning treat and a bite of Sachmo’s kitty food
· Sachmo – the cat
· Teddy Bear – her stuffed animal
· Going to bed at night on her pillow beside my head
· The back of the couch
· Her safe zone – under the bed or under Jack’s chair
· Rolling outside after going to the groomer’s
· Riding on the “mule” in the pasture
For all you pet lovers, give your dog an extra treat today for Missy. She missed her treat on this last morning. We did not get that far in our morning routine.
Now to tell about God’s hand in this. While I was out walking the pasture searching for her, I found a half-buried golf ball from the boys’ high school golf days. Whenever I find these, I usually smile and pick them up. This morning I cried as I picked it up, because the boys were responsible for me having her. I dropped it in my pocket. After we realized what had happened to her, I felt compelled to bury the golf ball in the flower bed. I believe that God put this all together so that I could have some type of closure, since there was no Missy to bury.