Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Big Loser
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas 2009
- The anticipation of Chad making it home for Christmas in the snowstorm that hit Oklahoma is near the top. A three-hour trip became a 8 1/2 hour trip.
- Diana and Keelie both in the hospital emergency room on Christmas Day.
- Twelve hours of Christmas games with the Rick, Greg, Chad, and Jenna. I bet we were one of the few families that NEVER turned a TV on - on Christmas Day. We listened to the Range Christmas music on the radio.
- An "unlikely" angel.
- My families "presence."
- Good food.
- Christmas outtings and events.
- Greg killing a wild hog.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Signs of a Holly Jolly Christmas!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Where did November Go?
- Redneck Weekend - Great family time with family and friends. However, the highlight was that I got to ride in a real Nascar race car on the track going atleast 160 MPH. This was better than any roller coaster I have ever been on.
- I "helped" out at the farm work on the coral and fences.
- OK City - A crafty trip to Chad's place.
- Thanksgiving week - good food, cooking, and family time.
- 50 Pounds of green tomatoes from our garden - many pints of green tomato relish or "chow-chow" canned plus 30 jars of fruit jelly.
- "It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas" - our house is officially decorated for Christmas. Gaudy is a good way to describe it.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or Treat - Through the Years
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
California - What a Trip!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Yes, Virginia! There is a Santa Claus

The years: my early childhood
Thursday, October 8, 2009
This Little Chair of Mine
This little chair of mine,
I use it all the time,
To reach the things I couldn't,
And lots of things I shouldn't!!!
I changed the words just a little of the childhood poem. It is so ironic that Keelie and Di both wrote about chairs. Last week when I got home from Florida, Rick had finished restoring my little chair. This chair is an original from the old Gunter school building that I actually attended. I have this chair from the old two-story elementary building and a all-in-one desk from the old high school building. (I will also say that Rick cleaned my stove spotless. I should have taken a picture of it. It really looks like it has never been used. The rain and me being gone worked in my favor.)
The chair is used for everything in our house. I use it mainly for a footstool. In fact, my feet are on it as I am typing this blog. Rick uses it to sit on every morning to put his shoes on for work. Plus it is always used for a step stool. The reason that it had to be restored is because when he painted the ceilings, it was perfect to paint off; therefore, it had paint all over it. Now as we use it, we will be much more careful with what we do with it.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Oh! It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas
So Far Behind
The Questions
2. Your hair? flat
3. Your mother? legacy
4. Your father? one-of-a-kind
5. Your favorite food? chocolate
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? diet coke
8. Your dream/goal? "well-done ...faithful servant"
9. What room are you in? den
10. Your hobby? cooking
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? content
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren’t? skinny
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish list item? travel
17. Where did you grow up? Gunter
18. Last thing you did? cook
19. What are you wearing? shorts
20. Your TV? unwatched
21. Your pets? fun
22. Friends? fun
23. Your life? wonderful
24. Your mood? conten
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Vehicle?LS
27. Something you’re not wearing? socks
28. Your favorite store? Walmart
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? two weeks ago
32. Your best friend? sister
33. One place that I go to over and over? Walmart
34. One person who emails me regularly? teachers
35. Favorite place to eat? restaurant
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Happy Grandparents' Day
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Oh! What a Beautiful Morning
Saturday, August 29, 2009
One Extra Thing

I just started my 32 first week of school. It was busy as usual, but very boring to write about. So I thought I would write about great memories I have of the boys and school starting. In the fall of 1987, Greg started to kindergarten. I cried - he didn't. School shopping was fun - yes, I did enjoy the hunt to find everything on that infamous list. Diana and I would take all the kids to Walmart. However, the best part of it all was that each child got to pick out "one extra thing." Oh, the suspense as the four children would go up and down each aisle in search of that "one extra thing" that would be special for the upcoming school year. Some of the choices might be a fancy writing instrument, flavored markers, stickers, or a "trapper-keeper," I believe they were called. Our traditions did not end there. On the first day of school, we always posed for the official school picture. Oh, what memories of my 'One Life Lived.' My request for each of you children is to leave me a comment on your favorite one extra thing. Yes, Jenna, you too.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday Fotos
How about me! I actually got pictures on the computer on a Friday. I would love to say that I am going to do better. The rest of the family are really putting me to shame. I have been challenged by Ms. Blog, herself, that I could do better if I would try. So watch out - I may change my background (again).
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Sir in Jerry's World
The stadium is awesome. The screens are unbelievable. They have some problems they have not worked out yet. The biggest one we found was how to get people on the floor for a concert.
My home internet is down. When it is back, I promise to post a few of my favorite pictures. I also have some mountain pictures to post. They are coming. I know that I missed Friday Fotos again.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
My Birthday Cartoon

I did have a great birthday. Diana cooked a delicious meal for me, and I got to share it with Jenna and Jonah. God blessed us with a rain shower (storm) and cooler temperatures later this afternoon.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Maple Nut Chiffon Cake
I made this cake for the group of ladies that I travel with. We are meeting today to eat for Diana's birthday, so I am carrying through with a promise I made. When we were in Canada, we ate maple flavored items, because it is a local item up there. We had maple cookies, maple ice cream, etc. I made the comment that back when I was in high school I made a Grand Champion Maple Cake in FHA and 4H. So the conversation went on and that I was to make a cake to share with them. Last night I carried through and made the cake. After this I got my Canada pictures out and relived the trip.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday Fotos
Thursday, July 23, 2009
He's Back
Sunday, July 19, 2009
God is Great...People are Crazy
When I am Old |
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Saying Bye is Hard to Do
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Building for the Glory of God
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The World Wide Tour

We left out Friday at noon for our 2 ½ day tour. We started in Hot Springs with a walking tour of the bathouses, the hot springs and parks, and old hotels. We arrived outside of Hot Springs about 11 PM. Saturday morning we continued driving toward Memphis. We stopped at West Memphis for the dog races. Rick was much luckier than I was. I studied the race guides way too much. Betting on dog races is truly a “crap shoot.” We had to leave before they were over, because we had tickets for Larry, the Cable Guy in Tunica, Mississippi, and we had to “git her done.” So away we went. We arrived at Tunica in time to get our tickets at Will Call and grab a bite before the show. After the show, we started our casino hopping. The casinos were better to me than they were to Rick. I actually won two 30 dollar bonus rounds on a 15 cent bet. By midnight our eyes were stinging, and it was time to find a bed for the night. Sunday morning we were on the road again – this time to see if Elvis had left the building. We did the Platinum tour of Graceland. He was nowhere to be found. The memories of Elvis were great. After lunch we headed to Campbell, Missouri to meet up with the rest of the group.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Foto Friday
Thursday, July 2, 2009
July 4th - Family, Food and Fireworks

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
I thought I would take a moment from our travels to write a very brief tribute to my dad on this day. I cannot do it justice in one blog. Just as it took several to pay tribute to Mother on Mother's Day; it will take equally to do justice for Daddy. So for a top ten with stories to follow this week.
1. Daddy loved life. He had fun wherever he was - no matter the situation.
2. He loved his family and was always there.
3. He never met a stranger. He had the gift of gab.
4. He had a great laugh and smile.
5. He liked to be outside. He loved nature.
6. He loved the land and to hunt.
7. He loved to GO - Go anywhere, anytime.
8. He liked to eat.
9. He was "hard headed" and hated storms.
10. He liked brand new red Chevrolet pickups.
Monday, June 15, 2009
O Canada, O Canada
We are having a blast. The weather is perfect, and every view is a Kodak moment. We have been to Vancouver and ferried over to Victoria. We have entertained many Canadians. Our Texas accents is a dead give away that we are tourists; therefore, both young and old are intrigued with us.
Check Di's blog for more information and pictures.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Great Comedian

This was my grandfather. I do not remember much about him except he was a very old man, that sat in the corner of the room smoking a pipe listening to a radio.I have no recollection of him ever talking. However, this week I heard stories from a cousin, that is 20 years older than me, about Papa. The papa he told about had a sense of humor. Di and I had a hard time believing this this. He told several stories. One of them was as follows: At one time an oil well was dug on his property, and then it disappeared. My cousin asked where it went. Papa told him it messed up his Johnson grass crop so he had to get rid of it.
Friday's Fotos
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
No Sweat, Please!!
I have had another sensor go out on my car and the air conditioner is out in the house right now. I try really hard not to whine too much, because I know there are so many people less fortunate that me on a daily basis. I do have a car for the sensors to go out and a house with an air condition that can break. For some reason God let me live in Small Town, Texas during this time period where we are blessed with many luxuries of life. I am very thankful for this, because I would not have made a very good primitive woman or a woman in some third world country today. I do not like to sweat nor do I like to eat mystery meat. No, Jerry - I do not have your adventurous drive for the unknown countries.
Monday, June 1, 2009

This was a great idea even though I have a hard time getting my pictures on the computer. I am going to take the challenge get some weekly random pictures on the blog. I might can find a few to share. Occasionally, I can snap a picture or two.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Weekend
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Muggly Utt
The picture says it all. I took Missy to the groomers and for some reason Rusty cut her like a lion - an ugly lion. I said cut her "a little". He must have thought I said cut her like "a lion." (So - Greg, you do not get the priviledge of doing this to her for a joke.) Sachmo has longer hair than she does. This is the second bad haircut in a row that she got there. I will be taking her to someone else if the hair ever grows out.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
What an Awesome God we Serve
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I am My Dad's Child
Last week I wrote about the influence that my mother was in my life. Yes, she was everything beautiful, gracious, and loving. But just as there is a balance in life, mother and daddy were a balance in ours. In our Bible study we have been studying about balancing Mary and Martha. In some situations Mother and Daddy were opposites just as these two ladies.
Next month as Father’s Day approaches I will write several articles about the influences that he had in my life; however, for this blog I will write about a passions we both shared – Las Vegas. Through the years, he and mom went many times with the Kinnaird’s. Actually the first time I went was with Mother and Daddy in 1979. It was truly love at first sight - the lights, the music, and the SLOT machines. It was my first exposure to this form of entertainment. I had no idea what paid or how to bet. I learned that two cherries were good and you wanted things to match on the center line. Back in those days you played with real money and you pulled the arm on the side. I remember I would get rolls of nickels and play forever. At the end of the day your hands would be so dirty from the money.
Today the machines are different. No dirty hands and the nickels have been replaced with a coupon or ticket that you just move from machine to machine. I am a big fan of the penny slots that have 15 to 20 lines max. I do have my favorites – Kenny Rogers, Money Storm, and 50 Lions were the ones that were good for me on this trip. I really do not sit at a slot machine and play, but I rove. My logic is three spins and I rove on if I do not hit. However, if I hit then I will stay until I have played either a dollar or three spins without hitting. I usually go in a line of the machines. As you can tell I am very methodical about my slots. I am never going to get rich or hit a BIG amount, because 15 cents a spin is not going to give you a lot. It is just the excitement of is it going to hit or let you play the bonus round. I think the other part of the challenge is how long will my twenty dollars last. With my method – it is amazing how long a person can play on a twenty.
This morning as I was in bed thinking about coming home, I had to get up and go say good-bye to the one-arm bandits one last time. As I walked to the elevator, I was feeling nostalgic, because I knew if Daddy was alive he would have been with me. So I was doing this for us. I got my 10 dollar bill, and I was ready to start my farewell. As I got to the Money Storm slot, I looked down and there was a real penny on the floor. Yes – God is ok with me playing pennies, and I believe that He did have an angel leave it for me. Not only did it make me smile, but I actually left the machine with 6 dollars ahead to say goodbye to the other machines. When I cashed out, I did leave a penny in the change bin for someone else to find.
I alluded to the fact that I love Vegas for several reasons. It is only fare that I mention all the attractions that go with Vegas. When I travel I do not miss much wherever I am. This trip was no different. We did all the usual tourist things, but this year we found a new one. At the Winn, they have a wall with a waterfall behind a pool with lights in the trees. I will share just a little of this with you. My camera did not do it justice, but you can get an idea.
We did two shows. The last time I was here I did a little culture- Phantom of the Opera and humor. This time I did pure humor. We saw Gordie Brown and Terry Fator. I highly recommend both of these guys. As the lady that sold me the tickets said, “Gordie Brown sure doesn’t hurt the eyes.”
As I write this I am on the plane and my computer is losing its charge fast, so farewell to Vegas. Dad, you would have loved it. Diana, you were missed! She is one of the few people that I know that can sit or rove with me at penny slots. She has a little of our Dad in her, too.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Viva, Las Vegas
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Part 3 The Tribute Continued
National Day of Prayer
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
part 2 The Tribute Continued
2. Mother was a great cook, and she did cook a lot of food in her life. Some of the sweets that she was known for are: pecan pie, coconut pie, chocolate chip cookies, a chocolate scotch cake, seven-minute frostings, and banana pudding. We always had a homemade birthday cake with the seven-minute frosting on it with the candy sugar decorations. Anything she cooked it was good. We always had a dessert with every meal. When we were in school, she made our lunch for us. The other kids were envious because we had such good lunches. Also when we got in from school, we knew that there would be a home-cooked meat waiting on us. You never left the table of Bennie Scoggins hungry.
3. Mother took great pride in the way that she always dressed. She would get up early and get her makeup and clothes on. She loved clothes and like to dress up, even if no one was going to see her or not. She went to the beauty shop on either Saturday morning or Friday. She took care of her hair so that when she went into the beauty shop that her hair was still in place. No one every saw her hair messed up. Her old clothes were better and looked nicer that most people's good clothes. When she was outside working, her clothes still looked like she was headed somewhere important. In the 50's she had hats and high heels to match all her dresses.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Tribute to a Great Lady
1. Mother was the epitome of a Christian. She read her Bible, she prayed before every meal that she every ate, and she did not miss church until her health declined. She went three times a week or as we used to say - every time the door was opened, she was there. She did not ever drink, smoke or cuss. Her ministry was to send words of encouragement through the mail. Proverbs 31 was written with her in mind - "Her family will rise and call her blessed" (paraphrased as usual).
It is said that when you are squeezed or down -what is inside comes out. Well good things came out of Mother. The last time that she was in the hospital for a lengthy stay, we were with her almost around the clock. One of the nights that I stayed with her and she was a little disillusioned, she literally said her good night prayers all night long. Every time that I encouraged her to lets go to sleep, her response was that we had to say our prayers. She would say her prayer, and would pray for everyone by name and what she wished for them or for blessings for them. Thirty minutes later the whole process started over.
Other stories to come - food and cooking; clothing; cleanliness; holidays; family; teaching us to be little ladies- right from wrong.
I will also find a couple of pictures to add.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Showers of Blessing
Today we were blessed with showers, or some might call it a flood. Whichever - it was just what we needed. We had our tank dug out and enlarged. Then we built a dock. Now the Saturday that we started the dock was the coldest and windiest day of the spring . The wind chill was in the low 30s. Greg, Rick and I looked like we were headed to the ski slops. On Sunday when Rick and I worked it was much nicer day. Monday when we worked it was beautiful. We have been praying for a hard rain since we put the last piece of pipe in. We put tires in for one kind of fish, and Rickie made two trees out of 5 gallon paint buckets, pcv pipe and concrete for another type of fish. Both of these looked funny in a dry tank. We have had two little showers that did nothing for our tank, then Wednesday God blessed us with 6 1/2 inches that not only filled the tank, but let it run over so that we could even see how the runover would work and the position of the dock in relationship to the water. We are pleased with our project and very thankful for the showers of blessings.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sam - stood up today!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ways to Import Pictures
Image >Layout >none Small picture
The picture was taken in Orveto, Italy of a Drumo or another ABC (Another Beautiful Church)
The layout of the image was in the center.