
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bad Weather Days

Several weeks ago we had a snow day. It was such a treat. Never did I expect to get one, two, three more of these days. Tuesday, the first day, I baked a Red Velvet Cake and made some Tomato Basil soup. The rest of the day I was pretty much a bum - I watched soap operas and read magazines. Wednesday, I did a little more. I did sew on my quilt and a little housework, before I watched soaps and read. Thursday, I cooked a Cream Cheese Streusal Coffee cake and did computer work, before I did the soaps and reading.

 Today I am going to break this spell of staying at home this afternoon. We have Justin's 30th birthday meal. I know through the years we were home on several of his birthdays with snow on the ground. Daddy would go get Diana and the kids and bring them to my house on these snow days. One of our favorite memories is that the kids would make paper airplanes to sell. They would put them in the window with a price on them in hopes someone would buy them. There is no wonder that two of the boys ended up as salesmen. They started early.

"Junny", Happy Birthday. Thanks for the 30 years of memories. We are so proud of you.

An Abby update:
Abby has been having a rough time going outside to take care of "business." She does not like the cold winds nor the ice and snow.

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