To All those that I love, have a wonderful day!
It seems like I have already had three Valentine's Days. When I got home from Austin, Rick had a card on the bar for me that had tickets to a Bill Medley concert, who is half of the Righteous Brothers. It was one of the best concerts that we have been to. He sang all the wonderful songs that made these guys famous. He went down memory lane and told stories about working with Elvis and the Beatles. There was a video with all the clips from Ghost, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, Cheers and other shows with the songs that they did. His 24 year old very talented and beautiful daughter now sings with him and his band. It was a very fun night.
Then Saturday night we went to Clarks. They had a guitarist strumming and singing songs as people ate. Two nights in a row we got to hear good music with a little romance. On Sunday we did Valentines with the grandchildren. It was such a pretty day that we had a cookout. Rick cooked french fries and hot dogs outside in a homemade fire pit on the ground. I had Red Velvet cupcakes that we put candles in.
For this silly old romantic, Valentines 2011 was pretty special. I hope yours is too.
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