This past weekend is what we refer to as our "redneck" weekend. We took our camper down on Wednesday, but came back to Gunter so Rick could work on Thursday and I could help at the church for Tex's meal and attend his funeral. We then went back on Thursday after Rick got off work. Diana and Rick went on Monday, which she had been sick in bed most of the week. First she had stomach issues; then they changed to upper respiratory and laryngitis. Roger and Tom had arrived on Tuesday. Diana and Rick went to Keller to meet Jenna and Jared for dinner and to bring Jenna to the races. She had given Diana a "gift" for helping them move last weekend. Hooray!!!
Our view from the suite! |
Friday, Diana and Jenna came to Gunter to see Glory in a play and to pick up Jonah. We cooked our traditional big breakfast. Later Justin would join us, as well as, Teresa and Jared. Friday, we grilled chicken, stuffed jalapenos, and grilled vegetables for our meal. That night at the races, Rick and I got to enjoy the races from a suite, thanks to Fed-X. This was an enjoyable experience.
Saturday we started the day with another big breakfast. Later in the day we had charcoal hamburgers and the fixins. The Saturday night race is the long race, but it was good and not too long. The pit stops kept it from getting boring. We did not get to witness any wrecks this weekend, which is always disappointing if there is not even one. I entertained myself during the Saturday night race with my big camera and the various setting on it. My guys were the winners which is also an added bonus.
We got up Sunday, packed up, and came home. Another great race week went down on the calendar.