
Monday, September 23, 2013

Retirement - Part 1

It has been four months since I have written a post, so you might say I am A LITTLE behind. The post that has stopped my writing is this post - the one about my retirement. It has been a bittersweet process to get me mentally where I am today. Last year at this time was the talk of the RIF at school and process of reducing the number of teachers. From the very beginning I said I was not leaving that I loved my job. By December I had changed my mind and decided to take the money, and let some teachers that needed a job keep theirs. God gave me a peace about this that it was my time to retire. However, I still was in denial and could not or would not talk about me not coming back to work.
May was the hardest month ever in my working career. I had to go through and either pack up, throw away, pass on, or leave behind 35 years of teaching memories. My heart was very heavy during this time. Then on May 31at about 2:00 I turned my keys in. I was no longer employed by Gunter ISD.
I was very busy during the summer so not much thought was really given about my retirement, except on Fridays I was no longer counting down how many weeks were left until I went back to school. Then it was the first day of Teacher Inservice. It seemed as a dark cloud hung over my head all day. It passed until the Friday of the first week of school. This cloud soon dissipated!
I have had many things going on to occupy my time, so I am now like all the other "retired" people that say they do not know how they had time to work.
(I am going to post this even thought it is not finished. At least by getting this much out there, I can continue with my blogging.)

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