
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And the walls came down.....

Thirty years of memories, the house for junk and two SKUNKS disappeared in just five hours this past Saturday. No one would have guessed that this building could be totally destroyed and the land cleaned in this short period of time. (This picture is on my other camera.)

The only thing left at the end was the smell of the skunks. Rick knew all day that there was the very strong possibility that there might be a skunk under the building. I had my doubts. He and Peyton had been at it all morning. I joined them at lunch. Brandi and Cali came in the afternoon. We were on top of it, the girls and I pretended it was a dance floor, I hammered nails in ......
After the first hour. One wall gone!

The last thing Rick was going to do was drag the floor to the burn pile. The kids had all left. He told Abby and I to go into the house, just incase the skunk came out went he lifted it up. Sure enough, he was right - almost. When he raised the floor, one huge skunk ran towards the pasture; but that was not all. There was another large skunk that got caught in the edge. He then later got hurt. After a little manipulation, he finally got loose and limped away to find his companion. I still do not understand how we could work on destroying this for five hours and never get sprayed.
The End to a Junk Building

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