December 24, 2005 - February 18, 2010
I read a quote I had written in my Bible this morning that I would like to start this blog off with: “ What matters most is how we live, love and spend our dash!” Missy met her demise yesterday. As I read this, I thought about her dash. I was given her on Christmas Eve 2005 by Greg and Chad. I had no idea what I was going to do with this little fur ball. We were leaving in two days on a ski trip to Taos, so this started our life together. Through the four years we truly became best friends. Never could I imagine how much fun and love a little dog could be. She loved me so unconditionally. Rick always said that she ruled me, and she did. She trained me really well. When she barked, I obeyed.
I pondered on some of Missy’s favorites that would be included in her dash:
· Going riding – anywhere – the farm, the bank, the lake, the Dollar store, etc.
· Her morning treat and a bite of Sachmo’s kitty food
· Sachmo – the cat
· Teddy Bear – her stuffed animal
· Going to bed at night on her pillow beside my head
· The back of the couch
· Her safe zone – under the bed or under Jack’s chair
· Rolling outside after going to the groomer’s
· Riding on the “mule” in the pasture
For all you pet lovers, give your dog an extra treat today for Missy. She missed her treat on this last morning. We did not get that far in our morning routine.
Now to tell about God’s hand in this. While I was out walking the pasture searching for her, I found a half-buried golf ball from the boys’ high school golf days. Whenever I find these, I usually smile and pick them up. This morning I cried as I picked it up, because the boys were responsible for me having her. I dropped it in my pocket. After we realized what had happened to her, I felt compelled to bury the golf ball in the flower bed. I believe that God put this all together so that I could have some type of closure, since there was no Missy to bury.